Are You Doing B2B Marketing All Wrong?

The rapidly changing digital landscape and the ubiquitous use of mobile devices means that digital marketing for businesses is changing rapidly. The easy availability of information and ability to communicate in a variety of formats means some interesting shifts not just in how B2B buying decisions are happening, but also in who’s responsible for them. […]

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What You Need to Know About CASL or Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation for July 1, 2017

Is your business sending out commercial or promotional information about your organization or products via email? Then this Blog post is a must- read for you, if not then you can read for general knowledge (sit back and relax). Please note the sections of the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation that deal with the right to private […]

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Different Types of Facebook Ads

If you’re a client at Foundery or have had social media marketing campaigns for your business, you probably already know how effective Facebook ads can be. They’re relatively inexpensive (especially when compared to other types of social ads, like LinkedIn and Twitter), the targeting options are extremely vast, and the results are usually impressive. Facebook […]

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Users or Sessions? Source or Medium? 4 Google Analytics Terms Demystified

Someone told you that you should start tracking traffic to your website. Excited by the idea, you set up a free Google Analytics account and started watching the data pour in. Or maybe you had an agency or an employee set up your account and they are tracking your website data for you, sending you […]

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