Tips on How to Optimize Your Responsive Search Ads

The retirement of extended text ads in Google Ads is quickly approaching. By July 2022, you won’t be able to create expanded text ads (ETA) or edit existing ones. As the options for creating ads are reduced to one, now is the time to take full advantage of responsive search ads (RSA). Optimizing responsive search […]

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How to Know If My Facebook Ads are Resonating

Have you ever been browsing on Facebook and come across an ad that you have no idea how it was served to you? It’s not something you’re interested in, it’s not related to your demographics, and the copy leaves a lot to be desired. There is a chance that someone could be having that same […]

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SEO Agency vs. In-House SEO: What’s the difference?

Hiring an SEO Agency vs. In-House SEO Specialist How do you decide which will enhance your odds of achieving worldwide (web) domination?  There comes a time in most businesses where they need to decide if it makes sense to hire an search engine optimization specialist or outsource their SEO efforts to an agency. We could never hope to […]

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Taming Testimonials to Build Your Brand

The Taming of the Company Testimonial You know your business is great, your grandmother knows your business is great, and so do your customers. However, unless you get your brand evangelists to share their positive reviews about your business, you may be missing opportunities to expand your brand. You can have incredible marketing with persuasive product details, but unless you are backing up your brand claims your efforts may […]

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Why Is Quality Score Important?

Ever wonder why everyone is so up in arms about quality score? Need a refresher on what quality score even is? Then this is the blog for you.  When it comes to the search engine results page (SERP), Google’s number one goal has always been to serve the most relevant listings to users. Whether the listing is organic or a paid advertisement, it’s not […]

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Create a Custom 404

Use the 404  TLDR: Create a custom 404  We have spent so much time fearing the 404 page that we’ve neglected what a great opportunity this can present. A well optimized website certainly limits the number of times a (potential) customer may stumble upon that dreaded 404 error. However, if someone does land on this page let’s use […]

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How to Claim & Verify Your Google Business Profile Listing

What does craving Chinese takeout, needing a tow truck and wanting to book a hair appointment all have in common? They all result in you pulling out your phone and conducting a search. Claiming and verifying your Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business) listing is necessary if you want to show up […]

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How to Write a Great Call-to-Action

Every marketing expert knows that a call-to-action that inspires users to act is an absolute must when crafting digital ads and a content marketing strategy. Yet so many of these self-proclaimed experts fail time and time again to get users to take the intended action. You need to think outside of the box and start […]

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Is Google Search Partners Worth It?

The Google Search Partner network provides advertisers with the opportunity to advertise on additional web properties that Google owns or partners with. This means that, when you activate Google Search Partners, your advertisement will be placed on many sites across the internet, not just Google search results. But what other places does this include, and should you enable or disable this setting?  What are Google Search Partners? Google’s network is divided into two sections – Google’s […]

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What You Need to Know About Security Updates for Your Website

It’s no secret that running your website on a CMS (Content Management System) like WordPress or Drupal comes with the added responsibility of CMS and plugin maintenance. In this blog, I will go over what security updates are and why it’s important to keep your CMS and plugins updated as often as possible to protect your website. What are security updates? WordPress and Drupal are both considered open-source CMS software. […]

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Featured Snippets

What Are Featured Snippets? As Google’s search engine results pages are becoming more and more informative, zero-click searches are more prevalent in today’s digital landscape. One of the most common resources for information found on Google are featured snippets, also known as position zero. Featured snippets are selected search results that appear at the top […]

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