Randy Bautista

Paid Media Specialist

As Paid Media Specialist, Randy Bautista excels at planning, analyzing, and fine-tuning advertising strategy for our clients.
Randy Bautista, Senior Digital Advertising Specialist at Foundery Digital Marketing Group

As a Paid Media Specialist at Foundery, Randy creates, monitors, and optimizes digital advertising campaigns to generate leads and sales for our clients. His extensive understanding of search and display marketing platforms, combined with deep analytical insights, gives him the expertise to handle any of your digital advertising needs.

Randy has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and has a Graduate Certificate in Creative Advertising at Seneca College. His experience in sales also helps him understand a customer’s needs and challenges, giving the campaigns he manages a competitive edge.

When Randy is not busy analyzing your advertising data, you can find him discovering new restaurants and playing his favourite console games.

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