How to Create Helpful, People-First Content That Ranks High on Google

Kiersten Fay, Digital Marketing Intern and Content Writer, Foundery

In today’s digital landscape, creating high-quality content that suits users and search engines is essential. Even while you try your best, you might find that your work isn’t performing as expected. This blog explores why your content might not be ranking in a Google search and provides tips to create people-first content that ranks high in Google rankings.

Why Your Content Isn’t Working

It’s frustrating to pour time and resources into creating content only to see it get hardly any attention. Here are some common reasons why this might happen:

Lack of Relevance

Content that doesn’t address the immediate needs or questions of your target audience can fall flat on Google. You need to understand what your audience is looking for and tailor your content to meet their needs.

Poor Quality

Quality is non-negotiable. If your content lacks depth, accuracy, or originality, it’s not going to perform well in an organic search.

Not Optimized for SEO

Without proper SEO practices, even well-written content can be hidden by Google. Making sure your content is discoverable by search engines is key to driving organic traffic.

Lack of Engagement

Content that fails to engage readers through compelling headlines, engaging introductions, and clear, actionable insights can result in high bounce rates.

How to Create Better People-First Content

Creating content that puts the reader first is crucial for both engagement and SEO performance. People-first content prioritizes the user’s needs, providing valuable, accurate, and easily accessible information. Here are some essential steps to create content that excels:

Understand Your Audience

Deeply understanding your audience’s pain points, preferences, and behaviours allows you to create content that truly resonates. Conduct thorough research, including surveys, interviews, and analysis of existing data.

Create a Process and Template for Content Creation

Topic Research

Start by identifying the topics that matter most to your audience. Use tools like Google Trends, keyword research tools, and social media insights to find trending topics and common queries.

Outline Your Content

Before writing, create a detailed outline. This should include the main points you want to cover, subheadings, and key information to make sure your content is structured and easy to understand.

Write with Clarity and Purpose

Ensure your writing is clear, concise, and free of jargon. Each piece of content should have a clear purpose and provide actionable insights or solutions to your audience’s problems.

Optimize for SEO

Integrate relevant keywords naturally into your content, including in headlines and subheadings. Incorporate related terms throughout the body text. Use meta tags, alt text for images, and make sure your content is mobile-friendly.

Incorporate Visuals

Adding images, infographics, videos, and other visuals can make your content more engaging and easier to process.

Promote Engagement

Promote user interaction through their experiences in questions, polls, comments, and social media shares. Engaged readers are more likely to spend time on your page and share your content with others.

Regularly Update Your Content

Keep your content fresh and relevant by regularly updating it with new information. This not only keeps your audience informed but also tells search engines that your content is up to date.

High-Quality Content from Foundery

By focusing on creating helpful, people-first content, you can overcome common issues that prevent your content from performing well in search. Understanding your audience, following a structured content creation process, optimizing for SEO, and encouraging engagement are all necessary steps to not only rank high on Google but also provide real value to your readers.

Contact us today for a consultation to learn how to create high-ranking content for your business website.