Marketing Compliance in a Nutshell

Marketing compliance refers to the adherence of businesses and marketers to relevant laws, regulations, and ethical standards while conducting their marketing campaigns and activities. It encompasses a wide range of legal requirements and industry guidelines aimed at safeguarding consumer rights, protecting personal data, and ensuring fair and transparent marketing practices. 

Key aspects of marketing compliance include obtaining proper consent before collecting and using customer data, adhering to regulations like the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the CAN-SPAM Act when sending marketing emails, avoiding deceptive advertising practices, and respecting customers’ privacy preferences. Marketers must also ensure that their campaigns do not mislead or deceive consumers and that they comply with industry-specific rules and self-regulatory codes. 

Non-compliance with marketing regulations can lead to severe consequences, such as legal actions, hefty fines, damage to the brand’s reputation, and a loss of customer trust. By embracing marketing compliance, businesses and marketers can build trust with their audience, create a positive brand image, and cultivate long-lasting relationships with customers, all while mitigating legal and financial risks associated with marketing violations. 


The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, or PIPEDA, is Canada’s regulatory act outlining the rules of collecting, using, and disclosing personal information. The main purpose of PIPEDA is to protect the privacy of individuals and ensure that their personal information is handled appropriately. It sets out rules and principles for the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information, as well as providing individuals with the right to access their personal information held by an organization and to challenge its accuracy.  

PIPEDA applies to all private-sector business across Canada. These privacy laws are applicable to all provinces. PIPEDA outlines that you need consent before you can collect a user’s data, you can only use that data for the listed purpose, the data cannot cross the border, and the organization collecting the information is responsible for safeguarding the collected information.

Why Marketers Need to Care About Privacy Compliance

Marketing compliance should be on the mind of every marketer. All marketers need to know at least the fundamentals of compliance, especially in their field (for example, digital marketing). Privacy compliance laws, such as PIPEDA in Canada or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, are legal requirements. Marketers must comply with these laws to avoid fines, penalties, and legal actions that could result from non-compliance. Privacy compliance is vital for marketers due to legal obligations, reputation, and data protection. Laws like PIPEDA and GDPR require compliance to avoid fines and legal actions. Demonstrating commitment to privacy builds trust with customers and retains loyalty. Compliance ensures secure data handling, reducing the risk of breaches and protecting both customers and the brand from harm.

Growing Enforcement of Privacy Legislation

Regulatory bodies have exhibited a gradual shift toward increased enforcement of privacy compliance laws, as illustrated by instances such as the European Union’s handling of the Google Analytics situation. It is essential to recognize that the mere ability to collect data does not imply its legality within a specific jurisdiction. Prominent examples like Facebook and Google encountering fines in the EU for infringing upon regulations concerning data storage and accessibility highlight the potential repercussions of non-compliance. Such fines not only have financial implications but also pose a considerable risk to the erosion of brand trust, especially if businesses fail to transparently communicate their data usage practices to users. As regulators tighten their approach to privacy enforcement, businesses must proactively prioritize adherence to privacy compliance to mitigate legal and reputational risks while fostering enduring customer trust. 

Why Does It Matter?

Digital information collected by a business in Canada is subject to PIPEDA. The data must be solely used for the purpose for which it was collected. This means if you capture a user’s email address when they make an account on your website, you are not automatically permitted to send them marketing emails – unless they consent to it during the sign-up process.

Exemptions from PIPEDA

There are several situations and factors that would cause exemption from PIPEDA. Many provinces have their own regulatory acts that are “substantially similar to PIPEDA.” If given the status of “substantially similar,” they are generally exempt from PIPEDA regulations. One example of a situation where an organization may be exempt from PIPEDA regulations is if they are contacting employees regarding their employment or profession. An organization may also collect information for use in journalistic, artistic, or literary purposes without adherence to PIPEDA.

Work with Foundery to ensure user data is collected in a transparent and concise manner.