Who We Are

Located in the heart of downtown London, Ontario, our digital marketing agency is home to our amazing team of dedicated digital marketing professionals.

Foundery Our Team Who We Are

Volunteering / Sponsorship

Our team is dedicated to giving back to the community through hands-on volunteer work. Some of our experiences include volunteering for Project Hope, a local organization that delivers meals to those in need in London, Ontario. We also volunteer at Ronald McDonald House, providing support to families with sick children.

We are thrilled to partner with organizations that share our passion for making a difference. Since 2012, we’ve proudly sponsored the Nash Cup, an international squash tournament in London, Ontario, that attracts top players from around the globe. Additionally, we support the “Friendship Ride from Dublin to Paris,” where dedicated cyclists raise funds for children’s hospital charities.

Our Work-Life Balance

Core to our team culture and success is our work-life balance. Every team member is encouraged to find their niche and become an expert in the things that interest them most. We balance our hard work with flexible working arrangements and respecting each other’s downtime.  

You will often find us celebrating a client’s success with champagne on the front porch, or with the Happy Bell, or enjoying a team foodie or wellness challenge together. Some of our team’s favourite annual events include celebrating Cinco de Mayo, Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day, hitting one of our local beaches or enjoying a London Majors Baseball game. 

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