Pat Monette

Senior Web Developer

A full-stack web developer with in-depth knowledge of WordPress and other platforms, Pat ensures client websites function flawlessly while delivering a UX that drives results.
Pat Monette, Web Developer at Foundery Digital Marketing Group

Pat Monette is a highly skilled full-stack web developer with over ten years of experience crafting dynamic and user-centric websites. He graduated from Fanshawe College in 2015 with a degree in Interactive Media Design & Production, equipping him with a strong foundation in both the technical and design aspects of web development.

As the web developer for Foundery, Pat’s expertise covers the entire range of the web development lifecycle. He possesses in-depth knowledge of WordPress and other platforms, allowing him to build, design, develop, debug, troubleshoot, host, launch, maintain, and publish websites tailored to each client’s unique needs. In short, Pat ensures client websites not only function flawlessly but also deliver a user experience (UX) that drives results.

When he’s not at work, Pat enjoys exploring Ontario’s provincial parks by canoe and backcountry camping. He is also an avid reader, consuming a diverse range of fiction and non-fiction with a goal of 30 books per year.

Meet Foundery