Kiersten Fay

Content Specialist

Kiersten, a student at Western University, specializes in content writing, ad copywriting, and on-page optimization to help maximize online visibility and generate business.
Kiersten Fay, Digital Marketing Intern and Content Writer, Foundery

Kiersten Fay is a Content Specialist and Digital Marketing Intern at Foundery, currently enrolled in the Arts and Humanities internship program at Western University. Pursuing a Bachelor of Arts with an honours specialization in Creative Writing and English language and Literature, Kiersten demonstrates a passion for language, communication, and digital media. Complementing her studies, she minors in Media, Information, and Technoculture, showcasing a well-rounded understanding of contemporary communication platforms.

During her free time, Kiersten never settles for just one hobby. Whether she’s engrossed in a new book, crafting her own creative pieces, exploring something new, or immersing herself in the world of video games, she’s always keeping her mind at work. When she’s not picking up a new hobby to keep her mind sharp, her home is filled with love for her furry friends. Her dog Bailey and cat Pepper vie for Kiersten’s attention in a constant battle – though not for the top spot on a search engine results page, but for the title of favourite pet.

Meet Foundery