Ben Bere

Digital Marketing Associate

Ben Bere, a digital marketing associate at Foundry, keeps businesses flourishing online by optimizing their Google Business Profiles and crafting SEO-friendly website content.
Ben Bere, Junior Digital Marketer at Foundery Digital Marketing Group

Ben Bere is a Digital Marketing Associate at Foundery. Beginning his journey as a high school co-op student several years ago, Ben swiftly showcased his adeptness in navigating the complexities of digital marketing. Now, as a valued member of our team, he specializes in optimizing Google Business Profiles and website publishing. He is also leading innovative projects focused on using Generative AI in marketing automation.

Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration at Wilfrid Laurier University, Ben seamlessly integrates academic insights into his professional endeavours. Beyond his digital expertise, you will find Ben enjoying gaming, culinary explorations, and nurturing his green thumb through his apartment windowsill garden, contributing a well-rounded perspective to our team at Foundery.

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