Romantic Comedies Re-Imagined for SEO

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Valentine’s Day has officially arrived, and what better way to celebrate this often-disputed holiday than snuggling up on the couch with some Hershey kisses and a good old-fashion Rom-Com.  

 At Ontario SEO, we love a good play on words, and this Valentine’s Day, we couldn’t help but re-imagine some of our favourite romantic movies as they would apply to Digital Marketing.  

So, snuggle up with your valentine, and join us on this romantic, SEO cinematic adventure: 

The SEO Notebook aka The Notebook 

The SEO Notebook

“So it’s not going to be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you to rank.” 

SEO is considered one of the most effective forms of digital marketing. Done right, it can provide businesses with the online exposure and visibility they need to reach the right audience at the exact right time.  

It is, however, one of the most time-consuming and involved methods of digital marketing. It takes time, hard work, research and ongoing analysis before you’ll start to see real results. This is why the line “it’s not going to be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day” is so applicable to SEO.  

Website Launch Failure aka Failure to Launch 

“Did you forget to put in

Website launches can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. On one hand, they can present a new visual identity and service offering for a business, but on the other hand – they can wreak havoc for your already established online presence if not executed properly. 

Redirects are an absolutely essential component of a successful website re-launch. Redirects are used to pass the authority from the old website URLs to the new URLs. Without them, you may find your established website presence fizzle; a failure to launch. 

Failure to Launch a Website

The Keyword Planner aka The Wedding Planner 

The Keyword Planner

“Finding the right keyword is her big problem.” 

Keywords and SEO go together like milk and cookies- you can’t have one without the other. For almost any successful digital strategy, whether be SEO or paid ads, it’s essential to conduct thorough keyword research to ensure relevancy and accuracy.  A commonly used tool in digital marketing is Google’s Keyword Planner. Much like the details that go into planning a wedding, it’s important to put just as much emphasis into your keyword research.  

Conversions Happen aka Love Happens 

“When the right digital marketing strategies are implemented” 

Conversions can be viewed as successful digital marketing connections – it means that whatever your strategy or tactics are, you are seeing real results and leads. Conversions can be anything from email signups, form completions, phone calls, sales, or registrations, and if properly executed, it could mean long-term growth for your business.  

Conversions Happen

500 Words of Content aka 500 Days of Summer 

500 Words Of Content

“People should be able to say how they feel, how they really feel, without using filler words” 

There’s a common myth surrounding content and minimum word counts. In the past, there has been discussion surrounding Google’s minimum word count. It’s important to understand that there’s is not one suggested number of words – it all depends on the page or blog topic. If it’s a topic that can be fully fleshed out, with many supporting content pieces, you may want to consider a longer word count. Or, if you’re writing a simple navigation page – you might not need 500 words. The basic idea is, don’t write more than you must – be direct and to the point, with the content you are adding to a page.  

Let’s Be Partners

Let the team at Ontario SEO develop a strategic digital marketing strategy tailored to your individual needs. Get in touch with our team to learn more about our digital marketing services and start planning your digital strategy today. 

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