My Experience Interning for Ontario SEO

This is an archived article and contains information that has not been updated or reviewed since it was originally published. For more information regarding the content in this article, please contact us.

I am a risk-taker. I love jumping headfirst into new opportunities, not knowing where they will take me. But, being a risk-taker has its ups and downs. One recent risk I took that led me on a wild ride of highs and lows was taking a High School Cooperative Education Course. Never did I think that I would end up having a digital marketing internship at Ontario SEO, and yet here I am. It’s funny where life takes you, huh?

Now reflecting on it. I realize how far I have come since deciding to intern at Ontario SEO. My first day as an intern was overwhelming. There were so many new faces, experiences, and choices to be made. Now the only thing that overwhelms me is that work can be fun.

Over the past five months, Ontario SEO has inspired and challenged me in all the best ways. Going into this internship, I was clueless about what SEO was, but now I realize just how much we rely on SEO in our daily lives. I have learned so much more about digital marketing trends than I knew existed before I started interning here. One of the most important lessons I learned during my internship was to appreciate and celebrate the little achievements because it enhances your confidence, motivation, and they all led to larger successes.

Ontario SEO was not all business. There are lots of behind the scenes events and activities that made my experience that much more savoury, such as our seasonal work gift exchange, occasional office refreshments, and more. Every day at work was a new adventure filled with crazy stories. Whether the stories are being made in the present or being told from the past, I loved listening to them and anticipated the stories that the next day would bring.

Working at Ontario SEO was a rewarding challenge. There were times I felt astonished by the amount of work I had. Nonetheless, I was able to overcome this by managing my time and workflow by prioritizing the work to be done. It was always challenging having to complete a new assignment having never done anything like it before, but with the help from my coworkers, I was able to power through each task that came my way no matter how big or small. Although the work challenged me on a day to day basis, there were also lots of learning experiences that I was able to catch up on, and because of which helped me strengthen my confidence in my future work.

Ontario SEO is a very inspiring and encouraging environment. You will always be supported in your work. Everyone who works there has your back and is very welcoming from day one. I always refer to the staff at Ontario SEO as a second family to me, because the bond all the staff members share is very strong.

Working here was an eye-opener for me on what career path I want to follow. I worked in every department, which was great because I was not doing the same work daily. This allowed me to explore and learn through different perspectives of the business and technological world. Sure, there were some jobs I enjoyed more than others, but all the tasks I completed were unique and taught me more than I would have learned if I were in school jotting notes.

I have no regrets in choosing to take my internship at Ontario SEO since everyone there has taught me so much. I am glad that I took this risk because working for Ontario SEO is an experience I will never forget. If you are looking for a job where you are constantly inspired and challenged, I would highly recommend a career or internship at Ontario SEO because there is no place like it.